Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I find that when I write sermons, I can't really get going until I have an illustration to work with...and that is where I am stuck right now! I"ve decided to go with the theme of the POWER of the Holy Spirit coming to us while we're in prayer. I might touch on the fact that when we're anointed with the Holy Spirit (as we are in baptism), we are named as children of God and therefore freed from the "unquenchable fire", but my focus is going to be on the POWER of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

I was looking for some illustration inspiration when I came across this comic on the Agnus Day webpage. It caused me to think more about the elements of wind, water, and fire mentioned in this text, and the power of each of these elements. While I tried to run with the idea of "being so wet we can't be burned" (as suggested in the comic), I don't think that will actually lead anywhere. I was intrigued by the comments on this UCC blog about the power of wind, water, and fire. I think this might provide a good opener for the sermon.

I also think it's interesting that we read this text and then reply "Glory to you, O Christ"--we've just been told we're going to be baptized with fire, and that the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the bodily form of a dove--what the heck does this mean? Is it appropriate (or helpful) to name these discrepancies/glaring questions right from the start?

I've got a lot of work to do, but I'm very tired...here's hoping tomorrow morning provides some fresh insights and focus! Here's also hoping that it's warm enough that I can run in the morning without my brain freezing (that would NOT be helpful at this point!)


  1. I really liked that UCC blog about this being an important event and needing special effects (i.e. wind, water, and fire). It might be kind of interesting to talk about how special effects enhance movies, pictures, advertisements, etc. and then about how these elements here are not really special effects at all. They're authentic manifestations of the power of the Holy Spirit. Just a thought.

  2. I think the water, wind and fire elements are a good way to go and I like your focus on the Holy Spirit. I think there is a lot of food for that in the UCC piece. I'm not sure I know what you mean by opening with talking abot discrepancies, so I would be careful about that, you wouldn't want to distract from all the other points in your sermon, because, let's face it Caitlin, we only have 10 - 12 minutes :)

  3. Your first questions made me think of pastoral care, Daitlin. Pastoral care is a ministry of presence. Is you ask me what 'precence' mean I would say physical, but it might be more than that. I believe showing empathy to other people will be stronger if it includes physical presence. At the same time, how about showing your empathy to people whom you won't be able to visit physically, then technology is the best way and helpful to reach the people whom you can not be able to visit physically. I am just afraid that we most of the time relay on technology so much and believe that e-mailing the people who lives close to us and not go visit them.
